South Salem Orthodontics is conveniently located on Liberty Street in Salem, Oregon as well as on Ellendale Ave in Dallas, Oregon. At South Salem Orthodontics, we care about our clients and strive to get them the smiles that they desire. Dr. Bart Carter and his team work diligently to provide their patients with the best results. If you, or your children, are seeking a better smile, don’t wait!
Call today to schedule your exam
What Exactly Is An
Orthodontist &
Why Are They Important?
An orthodontist focuses on your straight teeth. Here at South Salem Orthodontics, we care about getting you a straighter smile.
Straight teeth not only look good, but are also important for effective biting, chewing, and speaking. Straight teeth are easier to keep clean, thereby increasing not only dental health, but also overall physical health.
Orthodontic problems usually get worse. Teeth that are out of alignment can contribute to poor esthetics and improper facial development. Malaligned teeth can be more prone to trauma, dental decay, gum disease, and excess wear. In some cases, TMJ or jaw pain may be caused by poorly positioned teeth.
The beauty of straight teeth will bring self-confidence and contribute to self-esteem in all areas of life; with family, with friends, at work, and at school.
Orthodontists aren’t just for children and teenagers, they are for adults too! Dr. Carter sees many adults at both South Salem Orthodontics locations.
So, whether you are seeking straighter teeth for your child, or yourself, call South Salem Orthodontics TODAY and we can get you scheduled for an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions
How much do braces cost?
The cost of braces is determined by a number of factors. However, the average cost of braces is typically anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000. Some determining factors include the age of the patient, the type of braces, how long the patient will need to wear braces, and the amount of correction that the teeth need. Read More
How long do I have braces?
Dr. Carter, a qualified orthodontist, will have to evaluate the patient’s teeth to determine the amount of time they will need to wear braces in a no-charge initial exam and consultation. It really depends on how misaligned the patient’s teeth are. The average patient wears braces for 18 to 24 months. During your consultation, Dr. Carter will give you an estimation of how long it will take to correct your teeth or bite.
Do I need a referral from my dentist to come in for an exam or consultation?
Most of our patients come to us after being referred by their general dentist. However, a referral is not necessary for an exam or a consultation. All you have to do is call our office, we will gather your contact information, and then we will schedule you for your examination.
What age should my child start braces?
The most common age to begin braces is anywhere from 8 -14 years old. Every patient is different and simply needs a comprehensive exam to come up with a plan. If you are unsure if your child should start braces you can come into our office at South Salem Orthodontics and Dr. Carter can tell you when your child can start braces.
Does everybody need braces?
Braces are becoming more and more common. More parents are leaning toward the use of braces. They are much more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing than they were 20 + years ago. That is why we get adults coming in to fix their teeth because they didn’t get the option when they were growing up.
What works better - Invisalign or braces?
Invisalign typically costs slightly more than braces. Both Invisalign and braces effectively straighten teeth as long as the patient is wearing the Invisalign trays for the amount intended. Invisalign usually takes longer to straighten teeth than braces. Although both are good options, sometimes teeth are so crooked that Invisalign is not even a choice. If teeth are rotated or overlapping the patient will need to have braces.
Will braces fix my bite?
There are some circumstances that a patient will come in with reasonably straight teeth but is still recommended to wear braces. This is because they are struggling with an overbite, underbite, crossbite (or other bite issues). An orthodontist can fix these bite issues by the use of braces regardless of the teeth’s appearance.
Will my child wear headgear?
No, your child will not be using headgear. Although some orthodontists still use headgear to straighten teeth and to fix the bite, we no longer feel like it is necessary. We have eliminated the use of headgear and rely on braces and retainers to fix bite and teeth issues. Braces and retainers are much more aesthetically pleasing and more comfortable.
Do braces hurt?
The most discomfort you will feel is when your braces are placed for the first time. You will be feeling a bit of soreness as your cheeks and gums get used to the new appliance. They will also cause discomfort after every adjustment. However, it should never be painful. If you are experiencing serious pain then you need to contact us right away.
What is Phase I and Phase II Treatment?
Phase I (early interceptive treatment) is limited treatment. Examples of limited treatment include expanders or partial braces or functional appliances. Phase I is used between the ages of six and eleven before all of the permanent teeth have erupted. This treatment is sometimes recommended to make more space for developing teeth, correction of crossbites, overbites, and underbites, or harmful oral habits.
Phase II treatment is also called comprehensive treatment because it involves full braces when all of the permanent teeth have erupted, usually between the ages of eleven and fourteen.
How often do I come in for appointments?
You will be meeting with Dr. Carter 8 weeks after your first appointment. After your second appointment, you will be meeting with him every 6 weeks. Under some circumstances you might need to come into see Dr. Carter earlier ,but it is rare.
Do I still have to go to my general dentist while I am in braces with an orthodontist?
Yes, you will still need to be seeing your general dentist while you are meeting with your orthodontist. We advise our patients to continue going to their regular exams. It is even more important for dental hygiene while you have braces. With braces, you can easily get food items stuck in your brackets and cause long-term damage. A qualified dental hygienist and dentist can monitor your teeth health while you have braces.
How do you brush and floss with braces?
If you sign up for your braces at your consultation, our office will provide a complimentary Oral B toothbrush that has an orthodontic head that is specific for braces. Using a special toothbrush will provide the cleanest teeth.
It is impossible to floss “normally” when you have braces because of the wire that is attached to your brackets. Therefore, you will need to put string through your brackets to make sure that you are cleaning properly. There are flossing picks that have been created specifically for braces that can be purchased. Another option is to purchase a water flosser (water pick) to spray around your brackets.
Am I too old for braces?
There is no age limit for braces. We recently helped a patient who was 98 years old. No matter your age, we can help fix your teeth and get the smile that you have always wanted.
How much does a retainer cost?
There are multiple types of retainers that are used after a patient’s braces are removed. The cost is dependent on the retainer used. A retainer costs anywhere from $200 - $500. Retainers that can be removed are cheaper than the retainers that are bonded to the teeth.
How long will I have to wear my retainer?
Patients need to make sure that they are wearing their retainer consistently for about 3-6 months after removing braces. An orthodontist will be able to give you a more definite answer. If you don’t wear your retainer then your teeth are likely to move back to where they started - eliminating all the work your braces did.
For bonded retainers, they are usually in place for 6-9 months after your braces are removed. Once again, your orthodontist will need to assess your unique situation to determine the length of wearing a retainer.
Do you offer financing?
South Salem Orthodontics does offer financing options. Our payment options include;
Pay in full with cash or check 5% discount
Pay in full with any major credit/debit card 3% discount
Or “in office financing” – we do a down payment and monthly payments. It’s completely interest free
What type of retainer do I get?
We use Clear removable (AKA invisible, or Essix), traditional removable wire and acrylic retainers (AKA: Hawley retainers) and "permanent" retainers (bonded lingual wires). Dr. Carter can tell you what the best retainer is for your specific situation.
Contact Us!
Contact us at one of our two Locations!
Salem Office
1790 Liberty St. SE
Salem, OR 97302
Dallas Office
410 E. Ellendale Ave. Suite 4
Dallas, OR 97338